Carmen’s Deli – Support Local Business

Carmen’s Deli, located in Stratacache (Kettering) Tower is a place close to our hearts, as it was the location of our Sara’s first date with her husband. They have been hit pretty hard by Covid and the loss of approximately 5,200 people for the lunch crowd.Check out this video by Dan Edwards.

Liberty Tower

After the flood of 1913, Second Street faced a new frontier. As it had previously been occupied by mansions and apartment buildings, the flood pushed residents away from downtown, moving them to Salem Avenue and Far Hills Avenue. This created the prime opportunity for development.

Planning for the Liberty Tower started in 1929, and construction started the next year. It took 11 months to create what was Dayton’s tallest building at that time. Liberty Tower was the tallest building in Dayton from 1931 until the construction of the Kettering Tower in 1969. The Mutual Home Building, as it was known then, was built out of concrete and steel and 23 stories tall. Attendants manned the garages and state-of-the-art elevators, giving an air of elegance.

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